The benefits of switching from smoking to vaping

Thinking about switching from smoking to vaping? Let’s look in to the facts…

Did you know that smoking is one of the largest causes of death and illness in the UK? Approximately 78,000 people here in the UK die from smoking each year alone, or have debilitating smoking-related illnesses. (1)

Not only does smoking directly affect the smoker but passive smoking can cause serious harm to those around you, including children and loved ones. For example, if you have never smoked but you have a spouse who smokes, your risk of developing lung cancer increases by about a quarter. (2)

Why is smoking so bad for you?

Cigarettes contain 250 known harmful chemicals, with at least 69 of these known to cause cancer, such as Arsenic and Formaldehyde. These cancer causing chemicals are often referred to as carcinogens. (3)

As well as cancer causing properties, there are a number of other health detriments that smoking a cigarette can cause on various parts of the body, such as:


Did you know? Vaping is at least 95% less harmful than smoking. PHE (Public Health England) (5)

Looking to quit smoking? We are here to help…

If you are looking to make the switch from smoking to vaping, you have come to the right place. Vaping is far less harmful than cigarettes and can potentially save your life.

Let’s see what the medical professionals say:

What are the benefits of switching from smoking to vaping?

Many thousands of people in the UK have already stopped smoking with the help of an e-cigarette or vaping device. There's growing evidence that vaping can be an effective tool to help you quit smoking for good. (7)

Using a vape device and e-liquids can help you manage your nicotine cravings. Vaping is widely viewed to be a healthier alternative to smoking, and there’s lots of research backing this. The most obvious reason for this is that there are fewer chemicals in e-cigarettes/e-liquids than in tobacco products. E-liquids are made up of four main ingredients; propylene glycol, vegetable glycerine, nicotine and flavourings.

A major UK clinical trial published in 2019 found that, when combined with expert face-to-face support, people who used e-cigarettes to quit smoking were twice as likely to succeed as people who used other nicotine replacement products, such as patches or gum. (8)

There's no evidence to suggest so far that vaping causes harm to other people around you via passive vaping. This is in contrast to second-hand smoke from smoking, which is known to be very harmful to health. (9)

When vaping, there is no combustion, a heating element, known as a coil, heats the e-liquid to produce a vapour. However; the burning of tobacco in cigarettes creates the harmful chemicals and cancer causing properties. (10)

Electronic cigarettes provide a similar sensation to cigarettes, offering a ‘throat hit’, hand to mouth action and effective nicotine delivery, closely mimicking the inhale on a cigarette, without many of the harmful chemicals present in the burning of tobacco.

What are the benefits of switching to vaping for your mental health?

Mental health is a widely prevalent topic, even more so since the covid pandemic. Vapes and e-cigarettes, as part of supporting the quitting smoking process, have shown to increase an individual’s mental health and wellbeing; ultimately improving mood, stress and anxiety. (11)

What are the success rates of quitting smoking with nicotine vaping products?

Public Health England’s (PHE) seventh independent report in England, carried out by researchers at King’s College London, found that:

What are the improvements you will notice when quitting smoking?

The sooner you quit smoking, the sooner you will notice changes to your health and body, you will start to notice improvements within the first 20 minutes. Take a look at what happens when you quit for good. (13)

After 20 minutes Check your pulse rate, it will already be starting to return to normal.

After 8 hours Your oxygen levels are recovering, and the harmful carbon monoxide level in your blood will have reduced by half.

After 48 hours All carbon monoxide is flushed out. Your lungs are clearing out mucus and your senses of taste and smell are improving.

After 72 hours If you notice that breathing feels easier, it's because your bronchial tubes have started to relax. Also your energy will be increasing.

After 2 -12 weeks Blood will be pumping through to your heart and muscles much better because your circulation will have improved.

After 3 to 9 months Any coughs, wheezing or breathing problems will be improving as your lung function increases by up to 10%.

After 1 year Great news! Your risk of heart attack will have halved compared with a smoker's.

After 10 years More great news! Your risk of death from lung cancer will have halved compared with a smoker's.

Infographic on 'A timeline of benefits after you quit smoking' | Tablites Vape Store Infographics

How can we support you?

At TABlites we are here to help you with every step of your vaping journey, from selecting your first vape kit and e-liquid to providing the latest vaping news.

Having started our company back in 2011, we see ourselves as responsible vaping advocates. With over a decade of experience later, we are here to offer advice, guidance and support through a consultative approach.

Many of our customers made the switch from smoking to vaping with us through our stores nationwide and online, with the wide range of products for every type of vaping customer (many of whom are still valued customers today).

We work closely with the largest e-liquid and vape hardware manufacturers in the world to ensure we only provide the highest quality products to our customers that are fully TPD compliant.

We hope you have enjoyed reading this article and have found it useful. If you are interested in making the switch from cigarettes to vaping please get in touch where a member of staff will be happy to help with any questions you may have. Alternatively, take a look at our store finder to see where your nearest TABlites vape store is located.

For more information about getting started, take a look at our Vaping for Beginners: Your Ultimate Guide and our Ultimate Guide to E-Liquid ,as well as reading our Trustpilot Reviews to better understand our ultimate customer journey.

Make the switch today and start saving money with our TABpoints loyalty rewards program, get started by simply creating an account. Earn loyalty points when purchasing all your vapes, e-liquid, coils and starter kits at, and there are even more unique ways you can earn them than ever before.

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