NO to HR 2339!

Take Action - Send a Message urging your officials to VOTE NO on HR 2339!

HR 2339 (Pallone-NJ), which would, among other things, ban vapor products in flavors other than At the same time, several bills are active in Congress that would undermine FDA’s authority over new tobacco products. These bills propose to raise taxes, ban flavors, limit online sales, and one bill even goes as far as requiring vapor products to be approved for market only as medical drugs/devices.

CASAA is asking our members to take action by sending a message to your federal lawmakers urging them to reject this legislation and prevent a massive underground market from taking the place of our current legal, regulated marketplace. We will start delivering your messages one week from now to coincide with a lobby day organized by the Vapor Technology Association.

Use your voice to help our legislators understand by educating them about vape products and its advantages. It is very important to share your story with this unjustified flavored vape ban. Stand up for our rights and make your voice heard.

Take Action - Send a Message!

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