How people quit smoking with Innokin Zenith? [5 Real Stories]

Hello, Innokin fans!

We want to thank every single one of you who messaged your personal stories to us for a chance to win a Zenith II tank. We received hundreds of messages and took our time reading over them. Everyone has their own story about quitting smoking, and we are happy to see the Zenith has helped so many people make the switch. With that being said we selected five people who we found their stories to be very personal and touching. Quitting smoking can be very hard. We would like to highlight these individual people for their perseverance and continued dedication to making smoking a thing of the past.

Our first winner is Janine Timmons! She began vaping in 2015 after smoking for over forty years. She managed to quit smoking after only two weeks from purchasing her first vaporizer. Janine first learned about the Zenith tank after watching YouTube reviews from both Phil Busardo and Dimitris Agrafiotis. She has a total of 5 Zenith tanks, all with different coils and e-liquid inside of them so she can mix and match flavors whenever she wants.

"What I love About the Zenith tank is its ease of use, coil selection and build quality. Not to mention the flavor it produces" said, Janine. "Multiple coil choices make it versatile, and it can fit many vaping styles".



Janine isn't the only one who is a fan of the Zeniths versatility. She also mentions how amazing the tank is because of its ease of use. Let's face it, vaping can be overwhelming for beginners, especially if your switching from smoking. However, the Zenith's simplicity makes it easy for people to use worldwide.

Our next winner is Donald. His first Innokin vaporizer was the T20 kit. Donald has been vaping for the past five years. Over time he has gotten used to vaping restricted direct-lung (RDL). The Zenith is his preferred tank of choice when vaping at home.

"I have stuck with Innokin products because reviewers have always lauded the company as being safety orientated, with well-designed devices. I can't stress how much better I have been doing since I quit smoking smokeless tobacco and cigarettes," says Donald. "The tank is easy to maintain, and there are a variety of replaceable coils for different vaping styles and wattage range."

The Zenith tank makes it easier for people to quit smoking. We pride ourselves on our ability to help people make the switch. So whether you choose the Zenith, Zlide or any other Innokin tank, you know we have dedicated our time to creating the best tanks in the industry.

Our third winner is Frederick! He had been smoking a pack and a half of cigarettes a day for over forty years. He discovered vaporizers a while back and tried different kinds of tanks before he settled on the Zenith. "I love the fact you can refill the tank from the top. Other tanks lack the quality and design of the Zenith. It has helped me stay away from cigarettes because I trust Innokin more than another vaping brand," says Frederick. "The Zenith tank is another example of high-quality products that Innokin makes." We are proud of Frederick for making the switch to vaping. We are happy to know that so many people find our tanks incredibly reliable.

Our fourth winner is Cynthia. She started vaping back in 2016 using rebuildable tanks. She decided to make the switch to the Zenith because she loved how easy it was to use. "I've never lasted a week with any tank except the Zenith. The vapor from the Zenith is amazing and full-bodied." Says Cynthia. By making the switch to Innokin, she was able to find the right tank to give her a fantastic vape experience.

Our fifth and final winner is Stephan Sechtin. He had smoked for almost twenty-five years and made the transition to vaping in 2019. The Zenith and Ares 2 are some of his favorite tanks, thanks to their coil compatibility. "Out of all the vaping brands, Innokin is the one who really thinks about what works for ex-smokers and has helped me tremendously to stay off cigarettes," says Stephan.

The Zenith tank is one of the most popular tanks in the entire vaping industry. Countless people have made the switch thanks to the Zenith. We hope to continue producing quality tanks and vaporizers. The all-new Zenith II tank will be coming out soon, and we are incredibly excited for you to try it out. Please let us know what you think; your feedback is what drives us to make better devices. Together, we can create a smoke-free world.

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